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NCEA at Kelston Girls’ College

The senior students of Kelston Girls’ College work towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 1, 2 or 3.  Each subject gives credit for passed assessments with the aim of a student gaining enough credits to pass the level they are studying at. 

Assessments can be assessed in two main ways – internally and externally.  Internal assessments are carried out and marked by subject teachers during the year.  There should be one assessment per term, per subject.  A student should be informed about how many credits they have from internals, and how this number relates to the total they need to pass the NCEA level they are working towards.  External assessments are commonly known as exams – these are always sat in Term 4; the results come out mid-January.

The results of the external assessments are added to the result from the internal assessments to give students a total number of credits for the year, released in mid-January.  They can check this at any time on the NZQA website using their NSN number to logon.

Assessment Rules and procedures for Senior Students 2023

All option choices and selection take place on our School Bridge website:

Click here to view our options.

Guides and Resources​​​​​​​