Join us for the upcoming Meet & Greet:


The Kelston Girls’ College library aims to provide a welcoming environment, we hope to encourage a love of learning in our students and provide resources and support throughout their college education. 

The Library operates as many different spaces. We can be a classroom, a break out room, a social hub, a place for events, a meeting room. I encourage the enjoyment of the space at lunchtime and interval with activities, games and hang out areas. 

Online Portal 

Click here to access our online portal. There you can search our catalogue and access our ebook collection.

About us

Staffed hours 

Monday – Friday: 8.30am – 3.30pm

Librarian: Tara-Leigh Holland

Contact me:

I am also aided by a team of student librarians who have one shift a week.

Social Media

Our Instagram: kgc_library

Our Facebook:  Kelston Girls’ College Library

Our Books:

Our collection is divided by genre to make browsing even easier! 

Our collection includes:

  • Manga/Graphic Novels
  • Quick Reads
  • Popular Series
  • Fiction
  • Senior Fiction 
  • NZ Authors 
  • Biographies 
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Non- Fiction

New Books

  • Our new books are on permanent display and are regularly changed.

We have a number of changing displays. Here are some examples: