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    Kia Ora, Guten Tag, Talofa Lava, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa

    Welcome to the Languages curriculum area. In our faculty we teach 2 different languages – Te Reo Maori, Samoan. All languages are offered up to NCEA Level 3.

    In addition, we offer ESOL and EAP programmes to improve students’ academic literacy across the curriculum.

    We have a strong focus on community languages and offer bilingual classes for Te Reo Maori and Samoan.

    Other Languages like French, Spanish, Korean, Tongan, can be taken in the Senior School where there is a strong interest or family background in the language. These courses can be taken via Harbournet which is a video conferencing learning platform.

    Our ESOL and EAP programmes cater for the many and varied educational needs of students from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.

    Our Pathway: Te Ara Tikanga

    Language subjects are part of the Te Ara Tikanga pathway which also includes Social Studies.