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We provide personalised careers education by offering students:
Whole school careers education through the LAD (Learning Advisory) Programme
Year 13 students have a careers class once a fortnight with a specialist careers advisor
Individual interviews with the Careers Advisor for any current or ex-student and their whanau members.
Visits to a range of workplaces or educational institutions to explore jobs such as engineering firms, hospitals, film studios, construction jobs and many more.
A visit to the Careers Out West Expo at The Trusts Arena for all senior students
Visits from a range of tertiary providers throughout the year to help senior students with course planning for their study.
Access to driver education and licence testing for minimal cost.
Support with applying for a range of scholarships.
Gateway programmes for extended workplace experiences.
The chance to spend one day each week at a tertiary course in Year 12 or 13 in the Trades Academy.
Te Ara Moemoea staff:
Amber Hinson: Director of Te Arataki Ki Te Uru Trades Academy
Sandra Brown: Careers Advisor
Ginny Knight: Gateway Coordinator
Provides Senior students with opportunities to access structured workplace learning. Gateway is designed to strengthen the pathway for students to progress from school to workplace. It delivers hands on, practical experience that leads to nationally recognised qualifications.
Benefits for students: