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School Policies

Kelston Girls' College uses SchoolDocs for all policies. SchoolDocs sites make policy information accessible to the whole school community. Each site contains a set of policies and procedures that is tailored to the school, and feedback from community members helps to ensure that the site reflects how the school operates.

Our username is "kelstongirls" and password "kgc6063"

Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.

​​​​​​​All reviewers

  1. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  2. Read the policy.
  3. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  4. Select the reviewer type.
  5. Enter your name (optional).
  6. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  7. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.